Touch is vital for learning processes, receiving comfort and feeling connection. In this intensive we will focus on touch as a portal towards increasing our capacity for sensing the architecture, different materialities of the body as well as meeting different parts of our nervous system. We will work with a range of tactile qualities to enhance integration of movement patterns and also use touch to inspire new movement choices. I am interested in building presence and skill for a response - able touch that provides opportunities for the organism to respond with agency. Anatomies and principles of the Axis Syllabus will be referenced in guided explorations and lead into dances that touch upon multiple dimensions. Some research questions that I move with: How do we touch before touching? How do we intra-act rather than interact? How do we enter a state of mutuality?
Kira Kirsch
Kira Kirsch is a movement artist born in East Berlin who, after several years of nomadism and stays abroad, is now returning with her family to Berlin as new residents of Lake Studios – an artist-run centre in dance, production and performance. She is very invested in creating, questioning and improving spaces that allow people to experiment, learn about and raise awareness of their spirit-body-movement continuum. A pioneer of Axis Syllabus (AS), she has taught and studied continuously through practice for over 10 years, is the co-organizer of Nomadic College in Earthdance, leads teacher trainings, and has built a research platform for as in Bay Area, California. Kira is known for being an inspiring and sensitive teacher.. In 2009, she began collaborating with Montreal artist Kelly Keenan and their creations species – a moving body exposition and useless creatures were presented in the United States, Canada and Austria.
Practical Infos
Axis Syllabus Workshop
When ?
April 8-14, 2023
Saturday : 15h -18h
Sunday : 10h-12h30 // 14h- 16h30
Open Class Intensive Lab
Monday : 9h30-11h30 // 12h-13h // 15h30-17h
Tuesday : 9h30-11h30 // 12h-13h // 15h30-17h
Wednesday : 9h30-11h30 // 12h-13h // (evening open jam)
Thursday : 9h30-11h30 // 12h-13h // 15h30-17h
Friday : 9h30-11h30 // 12h-13h30
How much ?
Full Program (30h): 280€
Only WEEK END : 80€
Only WEEK : 220€
Morning class: 20€/matin
Where ?
in Besançon !